Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2023
Play >> Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt and John Richwine
Also Present: County Attorney Jeff Graham, County Auditor Rick Gardner, and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young
Play >> Approval of Minutes:
Motion: to
approve January 3, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented.
Moved: Olivia Pratt
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously.
Play >> Approval of Claims:
Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the
Auditor’s office.
Moved: Olivia Pratt
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Motion: to appoint Raymond Hiatt and Brian Bays to the Drainage Board
Moved: President Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Motion: to appoint Mark Gary, John Simmermon and Jerry Alexander to the Planning Commission
Moved: Darlene Likens
Seconded: President Richwine
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Julie Foltz of Aspire Indiana, requests Commissioners to approve extension of the Syringe Services Program for an additional two (2) year period.
Play >> Jeremy Turner of Indiana Department of Health makes comment in support.
Motion: to extend Syringe Services Program with Aspire for an additional two (2) years, ending March 2, 2025.
Moved: Darlene
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents proposed Resolution to Commissioners establishing intent to conduct Commissioners’ Tax Sale Certificates Sale for 2023.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2023-BC-R-04, by title only, a Resolution establishing the intent to conduct a Commissioners’ sale to sell Tax Sale Certificates for properties that are severely delinquent in payment of property taxes, with a minimum bid of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for properties offered on one (1) or two (2) prior tax sales and a minimum bid of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for properties offered at least three (3) prior tax sales.
Moved: President
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents proposed Resolution to Commissioners authorizing the offering for sale of property commonly known as 120 W. Vineyard Street to abutting landowners.
Motion: to remove property commonly known as 120 W. Vineyard Street (Parcel No. 48-11-01-103-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-103-052.000-003) from list of properties to be offered for sale at upcoming Commissioners’ Tax Sale Certificate Sale.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2023-BC-R-05, by title only, a Resolution authorizing the offering for sale property commonly known as 120 W. Vineyard Street (Parcel No. 48-11-01-103-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-103-052.000-003) to abutting landowners.
Moved: President
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Steve Richardson, Coordinator for Madison County Coalition Against Substance Abuse makes presentation to Board. He further indicates that Boardmember Dan Hudson passed away and Boardmember Dr. Bruce McMurray retired. He indicates he has spoken to Chris Lanane about becoming a Boardmember. Mr. Lanane had agreed to serve if so appointed, and Mr. Richardson indicated he would like the Board to take Mr. Lanane’s appointment to the Coalition Board under consideration. Inasmuch as Commissioner Pratt has been appointed to their Board recently, he and Commissioner Pratt would be meeting soon and reporting back to the Commissioners.
Play >> Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, asked the Board to authorize President Richwine to sign the agreement with Indiana Department of Transportation relating to the Community Crossing Grant Award received by the County.
Motion: to authorize President Richwine to sign on behalf of Madison County Commissioners the agreement with Indiana Department of Transportation concerning the Community Crossings Grant Award.
Moved: Olivia
Seconded: President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin presents to the Commissioners for approval and agreement concerning inspection and fees therefore between Madison County and Lennar Homes of Indiana, LLC, concerning Springbrook Section 8.
Motion: to approve Developer/Madison County Inspection and Fee Agreement presented concerning Springbrook Section 8.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin also presents Amendment to Inspection Contract with
Lochmueller Group, Inc. relating to Springbrook construction inspection.
Motion: to approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Lochmueller Group, Inc. relating to Springbrook construction inspection.
Moved: Olivia
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin then presents Agreement with V3 Companies, Ltd. relating to Madison County Parks Master Plan to Board. Ms. Bastin indicates the agreement for the master plan is a three (3) phase plan.
Play >> Ken de la Bastide, Herald Bulletin, poses questions.
Motion: to approve agreement with V3 Companies, Ltd. as to Phases 1 and 2, relating to Madison County Parks Master Plan as presented.
Moved: President
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin then indicates annual bid renewals will be presented to Commissioner on February 7, 2023, inasmuch as that is the deadline for submission of those requested bids. Ms. Bastin indicates that she had been in communications with Asphalt Materials, Inc., supplier for liquid asphalt, who indicated they would continue supplying liquid asphalt in 2023 at same prices as charged in 2022.
Motion: to approve continued supply of liquid asphalt in 2023 from Asphalt Materials, Inc.
at same prices as charged in 2022.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin indicates they utilize services of Forrer Excavating and Duncan Robertson as on-call contractors with regard to drainage and small structures work. Further, they utilize the services of Duncan Robertson and E&B Paving as on-call contractors with regard to bridge work. She requested the Board to approve their continued use as on-call contractors for those services in 2023.
Motion: to approve services of Forrer Excavating and Duncan Robertson as on-call contractors with regard to drainage and small structures work and the services of Duncan Robertson and E&B Paving as on-call contractors with regard to bridge work for 2023 at same rates as charged in 2022.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Ms. Bastin then presents contract for purchase of diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline with Co-Alliance for 2023 to Commissioners for approval. Commissioners raise question as to taxes charged under proposed contract. Matter continued.
Play >> Stacey Hinton, Secretary of Planning Commission, presents for approval of Commissioners an agreement with IWORQ for additional module for their software.
Motion: to approve IWORQ Service Agreement as presented.
Moved: Darlene
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Larry Strange, Planning Director, presents for approval of Commissioners proposed Ordinance Amending Official Zone Map as requested in Petition 2022-Z-11. President Richwine opens meeting for public comment on matter.
Play >> Caitlin Gibson makes comments in opposition.
Play >> DeeAnna Stitt, President of Summitville Town Council, makes comments in opposition.
Play >> Andrew Rossell of AR Engineering makes comments in support.
Play >> Kendra Anderson makes comments in opposition.
Play >> David Benefiel, Council of Governments, makes comments.
Play >> Chris Austin makes comments in opposition.
Play >> Ralph Gordon makes comments in support.
Play >> Dee Amos, VanBuren Township Trustee, makes comments in support.
Play >> Leslie Gibson makes comments in opposition.
Play >> County Engineer responds to question of Commissioner.
Play >> David Benefiel responds to question of Commissioner.
Play >> DeeAnna Stitt makes additional comment.
Motion: to approve Ordinance 2023-BC-O-01, by title only, amending Zone Map as to certain real estate within Madison County, Indiana.
Moved: Olivia
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Likens-Yes; Commissioner Pratt-Yes; President Richwine-Abstain.
Motion Passed.
Play >> Larry Strange, Planning Director, presents for approval of Commissioners proposed Ordinance Amending Official Zone Map as requested in Petition 2022-Z-12.
Motion: to approve Ordinance 2023-BC-O-02, by title only, amending Zone Map as to certain real estate within Madison County, Indiana.
Moved: Darlene
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed, unanimously.
Play >> Larry Strange, Planning Director, presents for approval of Commissioners proposed Ordinance Amending Official Zone Map as requested in Petition 2022-Z-13.
Motion: to approve Ordinance 2023-BC-O-03, by title only, amending Zone Map as to certain real estate within Madison County, Indiana.
Moved: President
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed, unanimously.
Play >> David Benefiel, Council of Governments, presents report concerning TRAM grant close out and requests approval thereof.
Motion: to accept TRAM Grant close out as presented.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> President Richwine presents memorandum of Executive Session held January 3, 2023 to Board.
Motion: to approve Memorandum of Executive Session held January 3, 2023.
Moved: President
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Play >> Motion: to adjourn
Moved: President Richwine
Seconded: Olivia Pratt
Motion Passed unanimously
Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be February 7, 2023, at 10:00 AM