Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2022



 Play >> 
 Meeting Called to Order by Vice President
Pledge Of Allegiance
Commissioner Kelly Gaskill, Vice President Darlene Likens.  President John Richwine was absent.

Also Present: Deputy Auditor Nicki Young, Attorney Jeff Graham.

Play >>   Approval of Minutes:
Motion: to approve the October 4, 2022, minutes of regular meeting as presented.
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Vice President Likens
Motion Passed
 Play >>   Approval of Claims:
to approve claim numbers 207384 – 207529, all payroll and all Auditor discretionary claims.
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Vice President Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>   Approval of Jobsource Claims:
to approve Jobsource claims.
Moved: Vice President Likens

Motion dies for lack of second.

 Play >>   Motion: to appoint Dee Dee Keesling as Director of Madison County Recycling Center.

Moved: Vice President Likens
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously. 


 Play >>  Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, presents changes to Madison ARPA Plan.

Motion: approve changes to the Madison County ARPA Plan.

Moved: Vice President Likens
Motion dies for lack of second

Motion: to table changes to the Madison County ARPA Plan to next meeting

Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Vice President Likens
Motion Passed unanimously








 Play >>  Larry Strange, Planning Director, presents new fee and fine schedule for the Planning and Building Department to Board for approval.

Motion: approve the Ordinance approving fee and fine schedule as presented.

Moved: Vice President Likens
Motion dies for lack of second

Motion: to continue the fee and fine schedule to next meeting

Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Vice President Likens
Motion Passed unanimously


 Play >>  Attorney Graham indicates petitioners’ counsel is out of town and has requested rezoning ordinance on agenda be continued to next meeting of Board of Commissioner.

Motion: to continue petition for rezoning to next meeting

Moved: Vice President Likens
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously


 Play >>   Betsy Baxter, Director of Victim Services Division of Prosecutor’s Office, requests approval of Cultural Awareness Program she is holding. 

Motion: to accept Cultural Awareness Program to be held by Victim Services Division of Prosecutor’s Office.

Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Vice President Liens
Motion Passed unanimously


 Play >>  Vice President Likens makes proposal, pending legal review, that there be a one (1) time payment from ARPA funds to full time employees in the amount of $3,000.00 and to part time employees in the amount of $1,000.00, prior to end of year.  She indicates no payment would be made to elected officials or board or commission members. 

Motion: to nominate representative of Board of Commissioner to appear before Council to request appropriation from ARPA Funds for such payments.

Moved: Vice President Likens
Motion dies for lack of second


 Play >>   Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
 Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimousl

Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be November 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM