Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2022

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge Of Allegiance
Commissioner Kelly Gaskill, Commissioner Darlene Likens, and President Richwine

Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner, Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp, and Attorney Jeff Graham

Play >>  Approval of Minutes:
Motion: to accept the April 5 Commissioner’s meeting minutes as presented
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of Claims:
to accept claim numbers 201067 – 201280 and all Auditor’s Discretionary expenses.
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to approve Job Source claims as presented
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Commissioner Likens and President Richwine. No – Commissioner Gaskill.

 Play >>  Motion: to appoint Dr. William Cobb (term to expire 12/2025), Matilda Barber (term to expire 12/2023), Brent Crabtree (term to expire 12/2024), Dr. Phillip Goshert (term to expire 12/2023), Susan Hart (term to expire 12/2023), Carol Purdy (term to expire 12/2025), and Rebecca Stratten (12/2024) to the Board of Health.
Moved: Darlene Likens
President Richwine
Motion Passed

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Commissioner Likens and President Richwine. No – Commissioner Gaskill.

 Play >>  Motion: to move Andy Kidder into the Properties Manager position
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Commissioner Gaskill, Commissioner Likens and President Richwine.

 Play >>   Motion: to appoint Christopher Teague as the 2nd Veteran’s Affairs Officer
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to pass Resolution 2022-BC-R-05 (a resolution transferring Commissioner Certificates to the City of Anderson) by title only
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  County Engineer Jessica Bastin talks about the need for an increase on the rate for the Cum. Bridge Fund.
President Richwine opens for a public hearing on the Cum. Bridge Fund.
         - Resident Mike Gaskill speaks on the rate increase.
Motion: to continue the public hearing until May 2 and consider increasing the rate to 0.0450, not to exceed that
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to accept the codification proposal for code of Ordinances with date changes in the contract to be passed
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

Board of Commissioners discusses PMR settlement
 Play >>  Motion: to table to May 2 to discuss
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
No Second

BOC to discuss on Tuesday April 26 at 10:30 AM in Executive Session

 Play >> 
Motion: to continue the Pendleton properties until next Tuesday
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to remove the taxes from the properties for the City of Anderson as requested
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to accept Resolution 2022-BC-R-06 (a resolution to define ARPA lost revenue) in title only
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

  Play >>  Motion: to accept the bid from Warrum’s Cleaning on cleaning the windows, lowest and most responsive, contingent on Mr. Graham’s and Mr. Kidder’s approval
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to declare the 15 items presented as surplus as requested
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  President Richwine states the Commissioners received the jail RFQ’s.

 Play >>  Motion: to continue this meeting until Tuesday April 26 at 11:00 AM
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

Meeting continued until 11:00 am on Tuesday, April 26th.
Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be May 2, 2022 at 10AM