Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2022


Board of Finance Meeting Called to Order by President
 Play >> Madison County Treasurer Dan Girt requests for the Madison County Investment Policy be revised.
Motion: to accept Madison County Investment Policy by Treasurer Dan Girt
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge Of Allegiance
Commissioner Kelly Gaskill, Commissioner Darlene Likens, and President Richwine

Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner, Deputy Auditor Robin Wagner, and Attorney Jeff Graham

Play >>  Approval of Minutes:
Motion: to accept minutes as presented for the March 1 meeting
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of Claims:
to accept claims numbers 199805 - 199949 and all Auditor’s Discretionary claims.
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously
President Richwine votes yes, contingent on finishing going through all of them.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve Job Source claims
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to hire Jack Crouse on the next step and prepare the proper documentation for an RFP/RFQ to be put out on behalf of the Board of Commissioners to begin the process to hire an architect for building a new jail
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed
Kelly Gaskill opposed.

 Play >>   
Motion: that the RFP/RFQ be due on April 19 and presented to Commissioners during the meeting for review
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> County Attorney Jeff Graham speaks on the Opioid Litigation/Settlement.
Motion: to pass Resolution 2022-BC-R-02 a Resolution to opt back in to the Opioid settlement
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Commissioner Likens, Commissioner Gaskill, & President Richwine.

 Play >> 
Motion: to introduce Ordinance 2022-BC-O-05 an Ordinance of the Madison County Board of Commissioners regulating the usage of County owned parking spaces on East 9th Street, South of the Madison County Government Center by title only
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: for unanimous support to approve the Ordinance in today’s meeting
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to adopt Ordinance 2022-BC-O-05 by title only
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> County Engineer Jessica Bastin presents a letter to send to INDOT.
Motion: to accept the letter to send to INDOT
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimousl

Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be April 5, 2022 at 10AM