County Council Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2022

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Councilman Vaughn, Councilman Reese, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele, Councilman Alexander, President Gale
Present via remotely:
Councilwoman Likens
Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner, Deputy Auditor Robin Wagner, and County Council Counsel

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes for January 11, 2022
to approve
Moved: Rob Steele
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of February 8, 2021 agenda
to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
President Gale comments on past practices regarding salary ordinances and increasing pay for employees.

 Play >> Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner gives an update on the main fund balances.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve the transfer requests that don’t include pay raises
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed
Councilman Reese votes no.

 Play >>   Motion:
to accept no raises until budget time unless it is an emergency
Moved: Mikeal Vaughn
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Failed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn.  No – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.

 Play >>   Motion:
to accept the transfer as requested
Moved: Rob Steele
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.  No – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn.

 Play >> 
Motion: to approve the request
Moved: Mikeal Vaughn
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve the request
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>   Motion:
to approve the request
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>   Motion:
to approve as amended
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, President Gale.  No – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn.
Councilman Emery abstained.

 Play >> 
Motion: to approve
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.
Councilman Reese and Councilman Vaughn abstained.

 Play >> 
Motion: to amend Ordinance 2022-2C: An Ordinance Modifying 2022 Salaries in the General Fund to cover the Clerk’s Chief Deputy – 11200, Head Bookkeeper – 11402, & Election Director – 11002, excluding the other line items requested.
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve Ordinance 2022-2C as amended
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale. No -  Councilman Vaughn
Councilman Reese abstained.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve Ordinance 2022-2D
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilman Reese, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, Councilman Vaughn, President Gale.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve Ordinance 2022-2F
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.
Councilman Reese & Councilman Vaughn abstained.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve Ordinance 2022-2G
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.
Councilman Reese & Councilman Vaughn abstained.

 Play >> Councilman Emery gives a Personnel Committee report. 
Motion: to approve the transfer request of $55,000 from 1169.44000 to 1169.11624 for highway dept as presented so they can open the job and start the hiring process
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to approve the transfer to reimburse
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Jerry Alexander gives a Planning Board meeting report.

 Play >>  Motion:
to adjourn
Moved: Mikael Vaughn
Seconded: Anthony Emery
Motion Passed
, unanimously

Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2022 at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.