Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2021


Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge Of Allegiance
Commissioner Kelly Gaskill, and President John Richwine

Also Present: Attorney Jeff Graham and Madison County Deputy Auditor Susan Odom
Absent: Commissioner Darlene Likens

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes:
September 7, 2021 Regular Meeting
Motion: to accept September 7 regular meeting minutes as presented
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of Claims:
Motion: to accept claims number 194275– 194478, all Payroll, and Discretionary claims
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to appoint Mark Gary to fill the remainder of David Kane’s position
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to pass Ordinance 2021-BC-O-12 by title only, an Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of Madison County, Indiana, adopting a plan for distribution of the proceeds of the County’s grant from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Kelly Gaskill, John Richwine. No – None.
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept the insurance quote from USI
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept the Polar King cooler
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to give County Engineer Jessica Bastin the authority to send an RFP
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept 4 and 5 of the final plat for Springbrook as presented
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to adopt Ordinance 2021-BC-O-13 by title only, an Ordinance placing a moratorium on special use applications for certain large scale energy systems in Madison County for period of 6 months in accordance with the Planning Commission’s recommendation
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Kelly Gaskill, John Richwine. No – None.
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to remove taxes as requested by the Elwood Community Development contingent on Commissioner Gaskill’s research with the Auditor
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept the quote from PPS Contracting from Pendleton in the amount of $21,840.00 and pay from the Group Health Insurance
Moved: President Richwine
Motion withdrawn

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to accept the quote from PPS Contracting from Pendleton in the amount of $21,840.00 and proceed to the County Council for new money
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to request support for codification and put the topic on the agenda for County Council’s next meeting
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

Play >>  Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be October 5, 2021 at 10AM