County Council Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2021

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Councilman Vaughn, Councilman Reese, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Emery, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Steele, President Gale.
Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner and Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp.

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes for July 13, 2021
to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of August 10, 2021 agenda
to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner gives an update on the budgets and the budget books.


 Play >> Dan Dykes, County Administrator, requests new money for the Commissioner’s Workmen’s Comp.  
Motion: to approve
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
President Gale speaks on the jail feasibility and funding.  He discusses increasing the Public Safety LIT by 0.15% and establishing a Correctional Facility LIT rate of 0.2%.  Brian Colten from BakerTilly gives a presentation on the two rates.

 Play >> 
Motion: to approve the transfers in mass
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Stephenie Mellinger, Health Department, requests new money in the CRI Grant 20/21 Fund – 8195, Bio-Terror Res Fund – 8196, and Covid Testing – Health 21.019 Fund – 8901.
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
President Gale requests new money in the Cares Grant (IFA) Covid – 19 Fund – 8903 for the Hazard Pay.
to approve
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Anthony Emery
Motion Passed
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Jerry Alexander, Anthony Emery, Diana Likens, Rob Steele, President Gale. No - Mikael Vaughn, Fred Reese.

 Play >>  Andrew Hanna, Chief Deputy Prosecutor, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Joe Humphries, Courthouse, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
 Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Dan Dykes, County Administrator, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
Motion: to approve
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Anthony Emery
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Madison County Sheriff Scott Mellinger requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
Motion: to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
President Gale requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
 Motion: to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Jerry Alexander speaks on emails received from constituents regarding complaints about an elected official.  A few members of the public speak on the issue. 

 Play >> Jerry Alexander speaks on the Planning Commission meeting.

 Play >>  Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

Budget Workshops are scheduled for August 25 – 27. Next regular Council Meeting is scheduled for September 14th at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.