County Council Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2021

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Councilman Steele, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn, President Gale.
Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner, Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp, and County Council Attorney Ted Nolting

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes for June 8, 2021
to approve
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of July 13, 2021 agenda
to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
President Gale comments on the hazard pay and the salary ordinance.

 Play >> Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner talks about the current cash balances, budget dates, and the American Rescue Plan.

 Play >>  Motion: to appoint Kim Terry to the Alexandria-Monroe Public Library Board
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Brent Jensen, Central Dispatch, requests to travel out of state.
to approve
Moved: Mikael Vaughn
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to consent to consider passage on the first reading of Ordinance 2021-7C
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Attorney Ted Nolting comments on the purpose of the Ordinance.

 Play >>  Motion: to pass fiscal Ordinance 2021-7C
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed

Roll Call Vote: Aye – Rob Steele, Diana Likens, Anthony Emery, Jerry Alexander, Ben Gale. No – Fred Reese, Mikael Vaughn.

 Play >>  Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner speaks on the remaining Bose McKinney Evans claims.

 Play >>  Motion: to approve transfers in bulk
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Taylor Vanskyock, Recycling Center, requests new money in the Recycling Center Fund – 4967.
Motion: to approve
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Nichelle Serf, Juvenile Probation, requests new money in the Mad Co JDAI FY 21/22 Grant Fund – 9165.
Motion: to approve
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Tom Ecker, Emergency Management, requests new money in the Mad Co EMPH Mgt Cap Equip Fund – 4938 and the So Madison Comm Foundation Fund – 9164.
Motion: to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve the transfer
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Stephenie Grimes-Mellinger, Health Department, requests new money in the Health Maintenance Fund – 1168, Local Health Department Trust Fund – 1206, Mass Vax Clinic Grant Fund – 8202, HMEP-4 Fund – 8204, & the Covid – Homeland Security Disaster Fund – 8906.
Motion: to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>   Motion: to accept as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Jim Hunter, Court Administrator, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> Rodney Cummings, Prosecutor, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikael Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Madison County Sheriff Scott Mellinger requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.
 Motion: to approve
Moved: Jerry Alexander
Seconded: Anthony Emery
Motion Passed, unanimously

Play >> Councilman Alexander gives an update from the Planning Commission.

 Play >>  Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Rob Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for August 10th at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.