Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2021


Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge Of Allegiance
Commissioner Darlene Likens, Commissioner Kelly Gaskill, and President John Richwine

Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner and Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp and County Attorney Jeff Graham

 Play >>  Motion: to amend the agenda to add MCCC to the discussion of the appointment of a new Director
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes:
June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting
June 28, 2021 Special Meeting
Motion: to approve June 15 Regular Meeting and June 28 Special Meeting minutes as written
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to appointment Melissa Giles to the Alexandria-Monroe Public Library Board
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2021-BC-R-10 by title only, a resolution concerning virtual meetings.
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Approval of Claims:

Motion: to approve regular claims check number 191693 – 191872, all Discretionary and Payroll Claims
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Attorney Jeff Graham speaks on the Petition to have properties removed from tax rolls/taxes cancelled.
Motion: to grant Anderson’s request, omitting the very first parcel
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion rescinded: President Richwine

 Play >>   Motion: to table the request until July 20, 2021 meeting
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept the letter for the Justice Reinvestment Committee, Indiana Department of Correction letter as presented
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Madison County Clerk Olivia Pratt presents a rental agreement for a water machine for the office
to approve
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

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Madison County Dispatch Director Brent Jensen presents a professional services agreement for GIS Dispatch Support.
to approve with Section I being amended as described by Mr. Graham and also adding the Commissioners to the signature page
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>   Motion:
to accept the Sonitrol contract as presented
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

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Motion: to accept David Kane as the new CJC Executive Director
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
President Richwine
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
for the Board of Commissioners to allow President Richwine to sign a letter of intent to contribute 50% matching funds for the Community Crossings grant program
Moved: President Richwine
Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >> 
Motion: to accept Jessica’s request for an on-call contract with USI
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to adjourn
Moved: President Richwine
Darlene Likens
Motion Passed unanimously

Next Commissioner’s Meeting will be July 20, 2021 at 10AM