Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2021





Present: Kelly Gaskill, Darlene Likens, & John Richwine

Also Present: County Administrator Dan Dykes, County Attorney Jeff Graham, County Auditor Rick Gardner, & Deputy Auditor Kendra Gardner


 Play >> Approval of Minutes: March 2nd, 2021

Motion: to approve minutes

Moved: Darlene Likens

Motion Withdrawn

Motion: to approve minutes with line being added to the second page under dispatch

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> Approval of Claims: March 16th, 2021

Motion: to approve claim 188462-188682, Auditor Discretionary claims, and payroll claims

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> Appointments: CJC Nominee Jeff Ash

Motion: to accept their recommendation for this appointment

Moved: Darlene Likens

Seconded: John Richwine

Roll Call Vote:

Commissioner Gaskill: Abstained

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed


 Play >> 

John Lavine, COG, presents the Madison County Comprehensive Plan.

Motion: to approve Resolution 2021-BC-R-7

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Gaskill: Yes

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

Brent Jensen, Dispatch Director, approaches the Board of Commissioners with a proposed Ordinance Amendment for the establishment of the Board.

Motion: to accept the amended ordinance for the board

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

Scott Harless, Highway Director, approaches the Board of Commissioners for the second reading of the Mailbox Ordinance.

Motion: under second reading to adopt Ordinance 2021-BC-O-3 by title only

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Gaskill: Yes

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed, unanimously


Scott Harless presents a Trash Ordinance.

Motion: to approve under the first reading Ordinance 2021-BC-O-5

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >>  New Business

Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents a weight limit ordinance for 800 S to 650 S. There have been a bunch of heavy trucks and they are destroying the roads. President Richwine signed an emergency order last week and it expires this week.  There will be a weight limit of 30 tons.

Motion: to accept Ordinance 2021-BC-O-6 by title only and Ordinance establishing weight limits near 800 S and unincorporated Madison County

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: John Richwine

Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Gaskill: Yes

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed, unanimously


Motion: to pass this with unanimous consent to go in order today

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Kelly Gaskill

Motion Passed, unanimously


Motion: to approve the Ordinance

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Kelly Gaskill

Motion Passed, unanimously




 Play >> 

Gary Simmons, Purdue Extension, presents a contractual services agreement. This is a contract between the county and Purdue for the extension of services.  The amount is $149,275.

Motion: to have President Richwine sign the contractual services agreement between Purdue University and Madison County

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

Dan Dykes, presents a report for Tram. It is a report of operations.

Motion: to accept the Tram report as presented by Dan

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously 


 Play >> 

Olivia Pratt, County Clerk, presents the contract for 150 express vote machines.

Motion: to accept the sales order agreement with ES&S for the purchase of an additional 150 voting machines, carrying cases, equipment installation, shipping and holding in the amount of $546,000

Amended to include maintenance and firmware included with ES&S

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Kelly Gaskill

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

Dan Dykes speaks on equipment from the Health Department that need to be recycled.

Motion: that the property presented be declared excess property and be disposed of properly

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

Brad Newman, Planning Department, presents a major subdivision plat for Alexandria.

Motion: approval based on the recommendation from the planning commission

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Darlene Likens

Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Gaskill: Yes

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed, unanimously


Brad Newman presents a zoning ordinance.

Motion:  to introduce Ordinance 2021-BC-O-7 and pass it

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded:  Kelly Gaskill

Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Gaskill: Yes

Commissioner Likens: Yes

President Richwine: Yes

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

President Richwine and Jeff Graham talk about the RFP for the Jail Study. Jeff Graham recommends hiring a project manager to help draft the RFP for the study.

Motion: to work with Dan and Jeff to put a list of folks together to do that type of work

Moved: John Richwine

Seconded: Kelly Gaskill

Motion Passed, unanimously


 Play >> 

David Herbert, Veterans Affairs, tells the Commissioners that Mecca Andrews-Hill is now accredited as the new VSO. He also says they have gotten flags for Memorial Day. 


Motion: to adjourn

Moved: Kelly Gaskill

Seconded: John Richwine

Motion Passed, unanimously