Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2021
Present: Kelly Gaskill, Darlene Likens & John Richwine
Also Present: County Administrator Dan Dykes, County Attorney Jeff Graham, Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp, and Auditor Rick Gardner
Play >> Approval of Minutes: February 12th, 16th, 17th, 2021
Motion: to accept the minutes from the February 12th special meeting, and the regular minutes from the 16th & 17th
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Seconded: John Richwine
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Approval of Memorandum: February 23rd, 2021 Executive Session
Motion: to approve the memorandum
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Approval of Claims: March 2nd, 2021
Motion: to approve claims 188123-188286 with 188342 being void and 188350 being void, all of the Auditor’s discretionary claims and payroll claims
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Seconded: John Richwine
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Appointments: CJC Advisory Board
Motion: to continue the appointment
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Play >> Old Business:
Scott Harless, Highway Superintendent, approaches the Board of Commissioners about the Fuel Bid.
Motion: same specifications be put out for bids and that those bids be received at the next Commissioner’s Meeting
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed, unanimously
Scott Harless presents an ordinance for fallen mailboxes.
Motion: to adopt Ordinance -BC-O-3
Moved: Darlene Likens
Seconded: John Richwine
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Gaskill: No
Commissioner Likens: Yes
President Richwine: Yes
Final Reading will be at the next meeting.
Scott Harless presents a packet of new equipment he would like to purchase this year.
Play >> Continuation of Public Hearing on the Needle Syringe Program. The meeting was opened on February 16th, 2021.
Public Comment:
Mike Swinford -608 S Ash St Chesterfield- opposes the program.
Lisa Pay- 16992 Circle Noblesville- strong support of the program.
Chris Lanane- 1715 Woodview Lane Anderson- in favor of the program.
Kevin Hunter- Fort Wayne- in favor of the program.
Mike Welles- 1755 Stetson Lane Greenwood- in support of the program.
Jeremy Turner- 116 E 33rd St Indianapolis- in support of the program.
Brooke Shafer- 1546 E 1000 S Pendleton- in support of the program.
Sarah Stillerman- Indianapolis- in support of the program.
Julie Foltz- 1423 E 8th St- in support of the program.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2021-BC-R-5 by title only
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Gaskill- No
Commissioner Likens- Yes
President Richwine- Yes
Motion Carries 2 to 1
John Lavine, Manager of Community Planning and Design at MCOG, approaches the Board of Commissioners for adoption of the Madison County Comprehensive Plan.
Motion: to continue until next meeting
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Seconded: John Richwine
Motion Passed, unanimously
Brent Jensen, Central Dispatch, presents two agreements with AT&T.
Motion: to approve the agreement as presented
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion: to approve
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Jeff Graham presents a waiver of Conflict of Interest for Ashley Hopper to work with CASA.
Motion: to accept the waiver of Conflict of Interest
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
EMA Director Tom Ecker goes over his year end report with the Board.
Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, talks about the ADA plan by SJCA she states that she would still like to do more work on the county end and would like to table until next meeting.
Motion: to table until the next meeting
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed, unanimously
Next, she talks about Bridge 601 in Elwood, IN. She has a contract for Clark Dietz to work on the bridge.
Motion: to accept the professional services agreement between Madison County and Clark Dietz for Bridge 601
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Seconded: John Richwine
Motion Passed, unanimously
Bill Bolluck, Beam Longest & Neff, talks about their findings in the bridge inspections.
Stephenie Grimes, Health Department, presents a Memorandum of Agreement for security at their new vaccination site.
Motion: to approve
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Lisa Cannon, IT Director, informs the Board that the first payment has been made to the new website developer.
Joe Humphries, Maintenance Director, talks to the Board of Commissioners about one of their trucks that cannot be utilized anymore.
Motion: that the 2005 Chevy Truck be moved off of our fleet and declared as excess property on either the County Attorney or County Administrator finding the proper title work and that it be sold at auction and that the proper advertising be made at the auction company for Madison County
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Kelly Gaskill
Motion Passed, unanimously
Stephanie Yeager from the County Commissioner’s Association sent over a Resolution on House Bill 1381.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2021-BC-R-6
Moved: John Richwine
Seconded: Kelly Gaskill
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Gaskill: Yes
Commissioner Likens: Yes
President Richwine: Yes
Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion: to adjourn
Moved: Kelly Gaskill
Seconded: Darlene Likens
Motion Passed, unanimously
Next Regular Meeting March 16th, 2021