County Council Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2021

Meeting Called to Order by President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, Councilman Reese, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Vaughn, President Gale.
Absent: Councilman Sumner
Also Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner

 Play >>  Approval of Minutes for January 26, 2021
to approve as presented
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

Auditor’s Report
 Play >> Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner states the requests as stated on the agenda that some are for new money in the General Fund. He mentions that as currently projected, the year-end cash balance stands at $8.5 million. The cash balance at year-end needs to be at $9.5 million. He cautions the Council with the requests as they are new money with the General Fund and being so early into the year.

New Business
 Play >>  Madison County Clerk Olivia Pratt introduces Resolution 2021-2A: Resolution designating Madison County a Vote Center County.
Motion: to approve as read
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Robert Steele
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> President Gale presents Joint Resolution 2021-1: Joint resolution moving money from Cares Act to General Fund.
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: to retain Kroger, Gardis, & Regas, LLP as the County Council Attorney for the calendar year 2021.
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve transfer requests in bulk.
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Stephenie Grimes, Health Department, requests new money in the Cares Grant (IFA) Covid-19 Fund – 8903.
to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Jerry Alexander
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Brent Jensen, Central Dispatch, requests new money in the Central Dispatch Fund – 4921.
 Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Judge Happe, Circuit Court 1, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000 – Circuit Court 1 – 9606 – Sick Pay – 16900 for a retired employee.
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Joe Humphries, Courthouse, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000 – Courthouse – 0161 – Sick Pay – 16900 for a retired employee.
Motion: to accept the request
Moved: Fred Reese
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >> 
Dan Dykes, County Administrator, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000 – Commissioners – 0068 – Professional Services – 31000 to pay for the ADA study that was done in 2020.
Motion: to approve as presented
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Mikeal Vaughn
Motion Passed, unanimously

 Play >>  Motion:
to approve the Coroner’s new money request for the Physician Coroner Additional Pay for $13,384.50 and deny the remaining requests.
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

Committee Reports
 Play >> 
President Gale mentions that the Council were not very active with Committees in 2020 and are actively trying to re-establish that. A few appointments for this year have been made and still trying to track down a list of other Committees that need appointments. Councilman Alexander mentions he is on the Madison County Planning Commission and had a meeting earlier in the day. He mentions an item of topic was introducing a partnership with the City of Elwood and the County to demolish some properties that pose a street view issue upon entering the City.

 Play >> Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner speaks on the Public Safety Fund that he failed to mention earlier in the meeting. He states this fund is projected to have a year-end cash balance of $619,000.  

 Play >>  Motion:
to adjourn
Moved: Anthony Emery
Seconded: Fred Reese
Motion Passed, unanimously

The next Council Meeting is scheduled for March 9th at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.