Start Position | |
Meeting Called to Order by President Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Councilwoman Norrick, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele, Councilman Vaughn and President Gale. Councilwoman Keller was absent. Also Present: Auditor Rick Gardner, Council Attorney Ted Nolting, and Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp. | |
Approval of Minutes for September 10, 2024 Motion:to approve minutes as presentedMoved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion unanimously. Councilwoman Keller abstained. | |
Approval of Agenda for meeting Motion:to approve agenda as presented Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion:to amend agenda so as to move public comment to top of agenda Moved: Bethany KellerSeconded: Jodi Norrick Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Norrick and Councilman Vaughn No – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele and President Gale. Motion Failed Motion to Approve Agenda Passed. Councilwoman Keller and Councilwoman Norrick voted no. | |
President’s comments made by President Gale. | |
Rick Gardner, Auditor, provides financial status report to Council. | |
Investment trust agreement and supplemental trust agreement for Madison County Police Retirement Plan, which have previously been approved by Council, are presented for signature. | |
Devin Scroggins, Board Member, Voters Registration, requests a transfer in the General Fund – 1000, Voter Registration – 0010. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Voters Registration. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: JodiNorrick Motion Passed unanimously. VOTER REGISTRATION – DEVIN SCROGGINS TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Voter Registration – 0010 Transfer from: 15000 Part Time ($1,000.00) Transfer to: 36000 Repairs & Maintenance $1,000.00 | |
President Gale indicates that the County Agent is requesting a transfer in General Fund – 1000, County Agent – 0011. Motion:to approve the transfer request of the County Agent. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed unanimously. COUNTY AGENT – JESSICA SCHOLER TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Co. Agent – 0011 Transfer from: 21000 Office Supplies ($318.00) Transfer to: 44000 Machinery & Equipment $318.00 | |
President Gale indicates the Human Resources Director is requesting a transfer in General Fund – 1000, Human Resources – 0117. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Human Resources. Moved: Diana LikensSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed unanimously. HUMAN RESOURCES – BEATRICE RAMEY TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Human Resources – 0117 Transfer from: 21000 Office Supplies ($1,000.00) Transfer to: 44000 Machinery & Equipment $1,000.00 | |
President Gale indicates Juvenile Probation is requesting a transfer in General Fund – 1000, Juvenile Probation – 0273. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Juvenile Probation. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed unanimously. JUVENILE PROBATION – TRACI LANE TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Juvenile Probation – 0273 Transfer from: 11512 Probation Officer 3 ($600.00) Transfer to: 11515 Probation Officer 6 $600.00 | |
John Beeman, Sheriff, requests a transfer in General Fund – 1000, Sheriff – 0273. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Sheriff. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. SHERIFF – JOHN BEEMAN TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Sheriff – 0005 Transfer from: 13901 Officer 16 ($4,200.00) Transfer to: 15600 Beeper Stipend/On Call $4,200.00 | |
Sheriff Beeman requests a transfer in General Fund – 1000, Jail – 0380. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Jail. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. SHERIFF – JOHN BEEMAN TRANSFER GENERAL FUND – 1000 Jail– 0380 Transfer from: 12902 Civilian Jail Officer 10 ($2,740.00) Transfer to: 13701 Civilian Jail Officer 18 $2,740.00 | |
Betsy Baxter, Victim Assistance Division of Prosecutor’s Office, requests a transfer in Prosecutor Victim Advocate Fund – 9602. Motion:to approve the transfer request of the Prosecutor. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. PROSECUTOR – RODNEY CUMMINGS TRANSFER PROSECUTOR VICTIM ADVOCATE FUND – 9602 Transfer from: 22000 Operating Supplies ($90.93) 31000 Professional Services ($300.00) 32000 Communication & Transportation ($900.00) 33000 Printing & Advertising ($335.86) 39000 Other Services & Charges ($1,653.69) Transfer to: 21000 Office Supplies $1,940.48 44000 Machinery & Equipment $1,340.00 | |
Andrew Hanna, Chief Deputy Prosecutor, requests a transfer in Pre-Trial Diversion Fund - 2501. Motion:to approve the transfer request of the Prosecutor. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed unanimously. PROSECUTOR – RODNEY CUMMINGS TRANSFER PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION FUND – 2501 Transfer from: 16161 FICA ($7,500.00) 16162 PERF ($7,500.00) Transfer to: 11819 Supp. Deputy $14,925.00 16300 Longevity $75.00 | |
Stephenie Mellinger, Health Department Director, requests a transfer in Health Fund – 1159. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Health Department. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. HEALTH DEPARTMENT – STEPHENIE MELLINGER TRANSFER HEALTH FUND – 1159 Transfer from: 16163 Group Insurance ($4,000.00) Transfer to: 11914 Environmental Supervisor $2,000.00 11718 Staff Nurse $2,000.00 | |
President Gale indicates the Highway Department is requesting a transfer in Highway Fund – 1176. Motion:to approve the transfer request of the Highway Department. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. HIGHWAY – JESSICA BASTIN TRANSFER HIGHWAY FUND – 1176 Transfer from: 11334 Data Analyst ($7,000.00) Transfer to: 15600 Beeper Stipend $7,000.00 | |
Sulyn Wilkerson, Deputy Director of Central Dispatch, requests transfer a transfer in Central Dispatch Fund – 4921. Motion:to approve the transfer requests of Central Dispatch. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. CENTRAL DISPATCH – JENNY CHAMBERS TRANSFER CENTRAL DISPATCH FUND – 4921 Transfer from: 14323 Dispatcher 25 ($15,700.00) Transfer to: 15315 Dispatcher 17 $7,700.00 14324 Dispatcher 26 $5,000.00 15000 Part Time $3,000.00 | |
Sheriff Beeman, requests new money in Extradition Fund – 1155. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Sheriff. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed unanimously. SHERIFF – JOHN BEEMAN NEW MONEY – MISC. FUND EXTRADITION FUND – 1155 39070 Extradition $6,081.22 | |
Sheriff Beeman, requests new money in Sheriff Victim Advocate Fund – 8171. Motion:to approve the transfer request of Sheriff. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously. SHERIFF – JOHN BEEMAN NEW MONEY – MISC. FUND SHERIFF VICTIM ADVOCATE FUND – 8171 14904 Victim Advocate 2 $28,429.35 14905 Victim Advocate 3 $37,643.72 15600 Beeper Stipend $2,600.00 16161 FICA $2,879.74 | |
Betsy Baxter, Director of Victim Advocate Division of Prosecutor’s Office, requests new money in the STOP Grant Fund – 8199. Motion:to approve new money request in the STOP Grant Fund – 8199.Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed unanimously PROSECUTOR – RODNEY CUMMINGS NEW MONEY – MISC. FUND STOP GRANT FUND – 8199 11002 Director $5,590.57 11023 Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 3 $20,582.04 11145 Bilingual Advocate $25,664.30 14903 Victim Advocate $33,774.29 16161 FICA $4,974.73 21000 Office Supplies $850.00 31000 Professional Services $500.00 32000 Communication & Transportation $4,367.60 37000 Rentals $250.00 39000 Other Services & Charges $26,332.05 | |
Commissioners requests new money in the ARPA Fund – 8950. Motion:to approve transfer request in the ARPA Fund – 8950.Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed. Councilwoman Keller voted no. COMMISSIONERS – JESSICA BASTIN NEW MONEY – MISC. FUND ARPA FUND – 8950 39000 Other Services & Charges $622,000.00 | |
Sheriff Beeman requests new money in General Fund – 1000, Sheriff – 0005 and Jail – 0380. Motion:to approve new money request in General Fund – 1000, Sheriff – 0005 and Jail – 0380.Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Bethany Keller President Gale opens meeting for public comment on this request. | |
Katherine Callahan makes comments. | |
Lisa Rinker makes comments. Motion:to temporarily remove President Gale as President of the Council for the remainder of this meeting. Moved: Bethany KellerMotion dies for lack of second. | |
Cheryl McKinney makes comments. | |
David Sargent makes comments. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Norrick, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele, Councilman Vaughn and President Gale No – Councilwoman Likens. Motion Passed. SHERIFF/JAIL – JOHN BEEMAN NEW MONEY GENERAL FUND – 1000 Sheriff – 0005 15000 Part Time $112,000.00 16800 Overtime $113,000.00 24000 Other Supplies $16,600.00 32000 Communications & Transportation $6,000.00 44000 Machinery & Equipment $28,288.00 Jail – 0380 16800 Overtime $116,000.00 | |
Tom Ecker, County Administrator, makes new money request in General Fund – 1000, Commissioners – 0068. Motion:to approve the new money request of the Commissioners, as presented. Moved: Anthony Emery President Gale opens meeting for public comment on this request. | |
Brianna Davis makes comments. | |
Katherine Callahan makes comments. Motion:to table the new money request of the Commissioners until the November meeting of the Council. Moved: Jodi NorrickSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed unanimously. | |
Adam Matson, Coroner, makes new money request in General Fund – 1000, Coroner – 0007. Motion:to approve the new money request of the Coroner, as presented. Moved: Jodi NorrickSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn President Gale opens meeting for public comment on this request. | |
Katherine Callahan makes comments. | |
David Sargent makes comments. Motion Passed unanimously. CORONER – ADAM MATSON NEW MONEY GENERAL FUND – 1000 Coroner – 0007 31000 Professional Services $60,000.00 | |
Rick Gardner, Auditor, requests a reduction in appropriation in General Fund – 1000, for Longevity – 16300 in multiple departments. Motion:to approve the request for reduction in appropriation in Longevity – 16300 for multiple departments, as presented. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery President Gale opens meeting for public comment on this request. No one appears to make comment. Motion Passed unanimously. AUDITOR – RICK GARDNER NEW MONEY GENERAL FUND – 1000 Auditor – Multiple Departments 16300 Longevity ($20,800.00) | |
President Gale indicates there are six (6) salary ordinances before the Council for first reading. He presents for first reading Salary Ordinance 2024-10C, Juvenile Probation, to the Council. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10C as presented. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed, unanimously. Ordinance passed on first reading. | |
President Gale brings Salary Ordinance 2024-10D, Sheriff/Jail, before Council for first reading. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10D for Sheriff/Jail. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed at first reading by unanimous vote. | |
President Gale brings Salary Ordinance 2024-10E, Prosecutor, before Council for first reading. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10E for Prosecutor. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed at first reading by unanimous vote. | |
President Gale brings Salary Ordinance 2024-10F, Health Department, before Council for first reading. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10F for Health Department. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed at first reading by unanimous vote. | |
President Gale brings Salary Ordinance 2024-10G, Highway, before Council for first reading. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10G for Highway. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed at first reading by unanimous vote. | |
President Gale brings Salary Ordinance 2024-10H, Central Dispatch, before Council for first reading. Motion:to approve Salary Ordinance 2024-10H for Dispatch. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed at first reading by unanimous vote. | |
President Gale indicates that as a part of the budget process, there was an objection filed last month by a taxpayer. Councilman Emery reads the objection received into the record. Motion:to issue findings that the objections to the 2025 proposed Coroner’s budget are not financially responsible and not requested by the Coroner. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed. Councilwoman Keller voted no. | |
President Gale presents East Central Indiana Solid Waste District 2025 Budget to the Council. Motion:to approve Ordinance 2024-10I, East Central Indiana Solid Waste District 2025 Budget, as presented Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed. Councilwoman Keller voted no. | |
President Gale presents Independence Fire 2025 Budget to the Council. Motion:to approve Ordinance 2024-10J, Independence Fire 2025 Budget, as presented Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed. Councilwoman Keller voted no. | |
President Gale presents 2025 Madison County Budget to the Council. Todd Culp, Chief Deputy Auditor provides information about budget ordinance is generated and what happens when changes are made to budget at meeting where budget is adopted. President Gale makes comments and introduces Ordinance 2024-10K. Motion:to approve Ordinance 2024-10K, 2025 Madison County Budget, as presented Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens | |
Discussion initiated. President Gale presents a balanced budget that he has created for discussion. Councilwoman Norrick makes comments about projected revenue stream. President Gale goes through his proposed balanced amended 2025 budget. | |
President calls short recess. | |
President reconvenes meeting. President Gale outlines the procedure by which they will make changes to the proposed budget utilizing the adoption meeting column on the budget spreadsheet. Council discussed budgets and proposed changes were made in adoption meeting column of budget spreadsheet. | |
Motion:to approve the 2025 Budget Ordinance, amended to show the changes shown in the 2025 adoption meeting column of the General fund budget spreadsheet. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens | |
Motion: to amend the 2025 Budget Ordinance to show the changes shown in the 2025 adoption meeting column of the General Fund spreadsheet, and further amend the Miscellaneous Funds proposed budgets by removing any new salary raises requested therein. Moved: Jodi Norrick Motion dies for lack of second. | |
Motion:to amend the 2025 Budget Ordinance to show the changes shown in the 2025 adoption meeting column of the General fund budget spreadsheet and the changes highlighted in the Public Safety Fund. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens | |
Motion: to amend the 2025 Budget Ordinance to show the changes shown in the 2025 adoption meeting column of the General Fund spreadsheet, amend the Public Safety Fund budget with highlighted changes and further amend the Miscellaneous Funds proposed budgets by removing any new salary raises requested therein. Moved: Jodi NorrickSeconded: Bethany KellerRoll Call Vote: Yes –Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Norrick and Councilman Vaughn. No –Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele, and President Gale Motion failed. | |
Roll Call Vote on Motion to amend made by Councilman Emery to: Yes – Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Norrick, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele and President Gale. No – Councilman Vaughn. Motion passed. | |
Roll Call Vote on to approve Ordinance 2024-10K as amended made by Councilman Emery to: Yes – Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Norrick, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Emery, Councilman Steele and President Gale. No – Councilman Vaughn. Motion passed. | |
President Gale opens meeting for public comment. | |
Motion: to suspend the 15 minute time limit for public comment so that more than 5 people will be allowed to make comment for this meeting only. Moved: Bethany KellerSeconded: Jodi Norrick Motion passed. | |
David Sargent makes comments. | |
Lorene White makes comments. | |
Taylor Mason makes comments. | |
Michael Klein makes comments. | |
President Gale clarified that approval of the Ordinances for the 2025 Budgets East Central Indiana Solid Waste District and Independent Fire District earlier in the meeting, was final approval, as this was second reading for those budgets. | |
Motion:to adjournMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed unanimously Next Council Meeting scheduled for November 12,2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse. |
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Name | Document type | |
Ordinance 2024-10K | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10J | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10I | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10H | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10G | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10F | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10E | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10D | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10C | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10B | General Document | |
Ordinance 2024-10A | General Document |
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