Meeting Called to Order by the President Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Councilwoman Norrick, Councilman Gale, Councilwoman Keller, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Vaughn, Councilman Emery and President Steele. Also Present: Deputy Auditor Ni..
Approval of Agenda for meeting Motion:to approve agenda as presented. Moved: Ben GaleSeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed, unanimously.
Angie Abel, Auditor, requests Council to approve Ordinance concerning Sworn Statement of Recorder and Use of Record Perpetuation Fund for 2024. Motion:to approve Ordinance 2023-12A, Ordinance of the Madison County Council Accepting the Sworn Statem..
John Beeman, Sheriff, presents transfer requests to the Council.  Motion:to approve transfer request of Sheriff/Jail as presented. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Jodi Norrick Motion Passed, unanimously.   SHERIFF/JAIL – JOHN  BEEMAN   TRANSFER   GEN..
President Steele presents a transfer request on behalf of the Council.  Motion:to approve transfer request of the Council as presented. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Jodi Norrick Motion Passed unanimously.   COUNTY COUNCIL – ROB STEELE   TRANSFER  ..
Recorder Abel indicates to Council that she included in her budget a request $25,000.00 Part-Time line, but does not find that included in the Ordinance.  Council directs the Recorder to inquire as about this matter with the Auditor and to get on t..
Motion:to adjourn Moved: Mikeal VaughnMotion Passed, unanimously.      Next Council Meeting scheduled for January 9, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.
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2023-12A (Recorder's Records Perpetuation Fund 2024) Minutes Document
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