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Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt and John Richwine.   Also Present: County Administrator Tom Ecker, County Attorney Jeff Graham and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve minutes of August 6, 2024, regular meeting as presented.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the Auditor’s office. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Brandi Frazier, Executive Director of Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District, indicates she is applying for grant funding for money with which to pay an employee to work for Soil & Water and to act as the County’s MS4 Coordinator.  As a part of that grant application, she is seeking from the Commissioners a letter of commitment.  Motion: to accept the proposal as presented and authorize the preparation of a letter of commitment for the same. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously
David Kane, Executive Director of Madison County Community Corrections, files a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement, so as to make transparent his desire to purchase from his brother’s business some used chairs to be utilized at the Work Release Center at a cost of $300.00.  Motion: to accept the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement and allow the purchase of used chairs from Kane Enterprises for utilization at the Work Release Center, as presented. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Olivia Pratt Motion Passed unanimously
Jenny Chambers, Director of Madison County Dispatch Center, requests approval of a transfer in Fund 1222. Motion: to approve the transfer in Fund 1222, as presented. Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: President Richwine Motion Passed unanimously     CENTRAL DISPATCH – JENNY CHAMBERS   TRANSFER   STATEWIDE 911 FUND – 1222           Transfer from: 39012 AT&T Loan Repayments ($220,638.00)             Transfer to: 44000 Machinery & Equipment $218,638.00     16162 Retirement $2,000.00
Central Dispatch Director Chambers requests approval for the purchase of a 2024 Dodge Durango, with trade in of 2018 Ford Escape from Ed Martin. Motion: to approve the purchase of a 2024 Dodge Durango with trade in of 2018 Ford Escape from Ed Martin, as presented. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously
Larry Strange, Madison County Planning Director, indicates rezoning petition 2024-Z-005 filed by Philip and Therese Brown, for property known as 701 Layton Road, Anderson, Indiana, Parcel Number 48-11-08-400-013.000-016 is before the Commissioners for consideration, having received a unanimous favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission. Motion: to adopt, Ordinance 2024-BC-O-19, by title only, an Ordinance Amending the Official Zone Map as to Certain Real Estate in Madison County, Indiana (Parcel Number 48-11-08-400-013.000-016), as presented. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously
Planning Director Strange then indicates rezoning petitions 2024-Z-006 and 2024-Z-007 filed by Bently Construction and Pamela Owens, for property known as 0 Reformatory Road, Parcel Numbers 48-15-35-400-035.000-014 and 48-15-35-400-036.000-014 are before the Commissioners for consideration, having received a unanimous favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission. Motion: to adopt, Ordinance 2024-BC-O-20, by title only, an Ordinance Amending the Official Zone Map as to Certain Real Estate in Madison County, Indiana (Parcel Numbers 48-15-35-400-035.000-014 and 48-15-35-400-036.000-014), as presented. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously
David Herbert, Director of Madison County Veteran Affairs, requests authority, when necessary, to have flexible hours for their department so as to better assist clients while avoiding earning compensatory time for working outside of the 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. normal County office hours.  Motion: to approve flexible hours of Madison County Veterans Affairs office when necessary so as to better assist clients while avoiding earning compensatory time for working outside of the 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. normal County office hours, as requested. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Olivia Pratt Motion Passed unanimously
Motion to Adjourn Moved: President Richwine Seconded:  Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously Next Meeting scheduled for September 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
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