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Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt and John Richwine.    Also Present: County Attorney Jeff Graham, County Administrator Tom Ecker and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve April 2, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the Auditor’s office and JobSource claims. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
President Richwine indicates the Commissioners previously approved Ordinance 2024-BC-O-06, a moratorium on all wind energy systems.  A proposed formal written Ordinance 2024-BC-O-06 is now before the Board of Commissioners for approval and for plac..
Tom Ecker, County Administrator, indicates that two (2) proposals to perform property appraisals for purposes of bonding of new jail project were before the Commissioners for their consideration. Motion: to approve the agreements with Traynor & Ass..
President Richwine indicates that Madison County wishes to join the United States by proclaiming the week of April 14, 2024, through April 20, 2024, as Public Safety Telecommunicators week.  Commissioner Pratt reads the proposed Proclamation into t..
Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, provides information about the County’s selection by the Federal Highway Administration in the Thriving Communities program concerning the development of the Fall Creek Greenway.  Engineer Bastin also indicates that..
Engineer Bastin then provides information concerning the Cumulative Bridge Fund and designated rate assessed.
Engineer Bastin then indicates that she and County Attorney Graham have not yet completed the draft of an Ordinance concerning the road detour required by the Delaware County bridge closure for repair or replacement.  Motion: to extend indefinitely..
Engineer Bastin and Clarence Walker, Paving Crew Chief, provide the Commissioners with information about the Community Crossings Grant which the County has been awarded and request the Commissioners to approve acceptance of the grant award agreemen..
President Richwine then opens the meeting for public comment upon the Cumulative Bridge Fund tax rate therefore.  No one appeared to make comment.  Motion: to close public comment on Cumulative Bridge Fund tax rate portion of meeting. Moved: Presid..
County Administrator Ecker indicates that Madison County Community Corrections is seeking from the Commissioners authority to purchase an old vehicle from the Anderson Police Department at the price of $5,000.00. Motion: to authorize David Kane, Ex..
President Richwine then asked Madison County Dispatchers in attendance at the meeting to raise their hands and asks if any of them would like to make comment as to their jobs or the proclamation of the Commissioners recognizing them and their good ..
SuLyn Wilkerson makes comment
Larry Strange, Planning Director, presents a proposed Ordinance amending the text of the Madison County Land Use and Development Code concerning placement of shipping and like containers on real estate in Madison County for the consideration of the..
Mark Yaudas, Hillcroft Services, provides an update concerning TRAM services.  Mr. Yaudas indicates that at a routine review with the Indiana Department of Transportation (“INDOT”), they were provided a map which showed areas in and near Pendleton ..
Ken de la Bastide, Herald Bulletin, asks questions
Discussion occurs and Engineer Bastin is requested to set a meeting with herself, the Commissioners and Madison County Council of Governments concerning these issues.
Dan Girt, Treasurer, requests the Commissioner to adopt a Resolution authorizing the retention of fees generated from items in Treasurer’s budget lines. Motion: to continue this request to next scheduled meeting to allow for further consideration. ..
County Attorney Graham indicates that pursuant to previously approved Resolution, the Commissioners offered certain tax sale certificates to adjoining landowners.  Attorney Graham indicates he had received 4 applications for transfer of tax sale ce..
Rose Harrington
Amanda and Jimmy Lynn
Dennis Cox
Grover and Georgianna Phillips
President Richwine then opens meeting for public comment on the proposed transfer of tax sale certificates.  No one appeared to make comment.  Motion: to approve all four (4) applications for transfer of tax sale certificates, as presented, pending..
Motion: to adjournMoved: Olivia Pratt Seconded:  Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be May 6, 2024, at 10:00 AM
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