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Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt and John Richwine.    Also Present: County Attorney Jeff Graham, County Administrator Tom Ecker and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve March 5, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the Auditor’s office. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Jeff Graham, County Attorney, introduces Chad Pigg, agent for Town of Summitville, who presents a proposed Resolution transferring tax sale certificates to the Town of Summitville to the Commissioners for their consideration. Motion: to approve Res..
Jeff Graham, County Attorney, introduces Kevin Sulc, Chief Operating Officer of Anderson Housing Authority, who presents a proposed Resolution transferring tax sale certificates to the Anderson Housing Authority to the Commissioners for their consi..
County Attorney Graham then presents a proposed Resolution authorizing action to be brought against the former Corner and his surety to the Commissioners to recoup costs incurred as a result of actions or omissions of former Coroner.  County Attorn..
James Cleaver, Public Radio Administrator, and Jenny Chambers, Director of Central Dispatch, present a proposed contract with AT&T to the Commissioners for approval. Motion: to approve the AT&T Hosted E 9-1-1 Services contract, as presented. Moved:..
Larry Strange, Planning Director, indicates pursuant to Petition 24-TZ-002, as approved by the Planning Commission, the Commissioners are requested to approve a proposed Ordinance amending the County Land Use and Development Code concerning the req..
Planning Director Strange then indicates pursuant to Petition 24-TA-003, as approved by the Planning Commission, the Commissioners are requested to approve a proposed Ordinance to place a moratorium on permit applications under Madison County Windf..
Commissioner Pratt indicates that a total solar eclipse is scheduled to occur on April 8, 2024.  The Courts of Madison County, Indiana, and other offices who directly work to the Court, such as the Prosecutor’s office, Probation Department, etc. ha..
President Richwine indicates it has been brought to his attention this week that rumors are being spread regarding the County health insurance program.  He wishes to dispel those rumors indicating the County’s health insurance and claims are in goo..
Motion: to adjournMoved: President Richwine Seconded:  Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be April 2, 2024, at 10:00 AM
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