Start Position | |
Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt and John Richwine. Also Present: County Administrator Tom Ecker, County Attorney Jeff Graham and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young | |
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve minutes of August 20, 2024, regular meeting as presented.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously | |
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the Auditor’s office. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
President Richwine indicates that each Commissioner has individually met with representatives of Baker Tilly regarding jail bond proposals received. Motion: to direct Baker Tilly to pursue the proposal of Baird for both open market and private placement of the jail bonds. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously | |
Rick Gardner, Auditor, presents a contract with Baker Tilly concerning preparation of 2024 GAP financial statements to the Commissioners for their approval. Motion: to approve the agreement with Baker Tilly US, LLP for preparation of the 2024 GAAP financial statements, as presented. Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously | |
Auditor Gardner then discussed with the Commissioners the recently awarded AA- rating for jail bond received by the County. | |
Scott Harless, County Highway Superintendent, appeared with sealed bids for a tandem truck and hydroexcavator. One (1) bid was received from the tandem truck and three (3) bids were received for the hydroexcavator. Bids were opened by the County Administrator and briefly reviewed by the County Attorney, who indicated that a bid was received from Freightliner for a tandem truck in the amount of $247,557.00; a bid was received from Best Equipment Company for a hydroexcavator in the amount of $139,660.50, and two (2) bids were received from Brown Equipment Company for a hydroexcavator in the amounts of $142,850.00 and $156,257.98. Motion: to accept the bids, directing the same be placed on file with the County Highway Department, and requesting the County Highway Superintendent to review the same and make recommendations as to the best and most responsive bids received to the Commissioners at their next meeting. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Olivia Pratt Motion Passed unanimou.. | |
Ken de la Bastide, Anderson Herald-Bulletin, poses a question. | |
Highway Superintendent Harless then requests approval of a contract with Dover Fueling Solutions for a new fuel dispensing system at the Highway Department. Motion: to approve the contract with Dover Fueling Solutions, as presented. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously | |
Motion to Adjourn Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously Next Meeting scheduled for September 17, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. |
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