Start Position | |
Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present: Darlene Likens, Olivia Pratt & John Richwine Also Present: County Attorney Jeff Graham, County Administrator Tom Ecker, and Deputy Auditor Nicki Young | |
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve December 19, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously. | |
Election of Officers Nomination: of John Richwine for President Moved: Darlene Likens Motion Passed unanimously. | |
Nomination: of Darlene Likens for Vice President Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: President Richwine Motion Passed unanimously. | |
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve the claims as presented by the Auditor’s office.Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously | |
Appointments: Motion: to retain and reappoint: County Administrator (Tom Ecker), County Attorney (Jeff Graham), Human Resources (Beatrice Ramey), Interim Properties Manager (Jon Smock), IT Director (Lisa Cannon), EMA Director (Jeff Dyer), Highway S.. | |
Motion: that each of the Commissioners continue to serve in 2024 on all Boards to which they were previously appointed. Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Olivia Pratt Motion Passed unanimously | |
Bill Decker, County Agent, presents to the Commissioners for approval a proposed Extension of Contractual Services Agreement with Purdue University effective for 2024. Motion: to approve the Extension of Contractual Services Agreement Between Purdu.. | |
Lisa Cannon, IT Director, indicates it is her desire, pursuant to 2021-BC-R-13, to amend the policies and requirements of all users of Madison County Computer Systems and Networks so as to ban TikTok and Temu and AI applications, including, but not.. | |
IT Director Cannon further requests support of Commissioners in her plan to request from the County Council funding so as to purchase from Tech Duo, LLC security cameras to replace the existing security cameras at the Government Center, together wi.. | |
President Richwine indicates there is a vacant ABC appointment which needs to be filled and requests nominations of individuals to serve in that capacity. Motion: to nominate Michelle Daniels to the Board of ABC. Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Oli.. | |
David Sargent, citizen, makes comments concerning construction style of new jail. | |
Motion: to adjournMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Olivia PrattMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be January 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM |
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