Meeting called to order.

Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Present:  Darlene Likens and Olivia Pratt.  John Richwine was absent.    Also Present: County Attorney Jeff Graham and Chief Deputy Auditor Todd Culp
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to approve October 3, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented.Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Vice President LikensMotion Passed.
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve all claims presented by the Auditor’s office and JobSource claims.Moved: Olivia Pratt Seconded: Vice President LikensMotion Passed.
Ordinance 2023-BC-O-20 was presented before the Board for second reading.  Meeting was opened for public comment – none made. Motion: to adopt Ordinance 2023-BC-O-20, by title only, an Ordinance Approving Application and Bruce Wihebrink and Kimberl..
Resolution 2023-BC-R-21 was presented by Jeff Graham, County Attorney, to the Board for approval.  Meeting was opened for public comment – none made. Motion: to adopt Resolution 2023-BC-R-21, by title only, a Resolution Authorizing the Denial of En..
Vice President Likens indicates an agreement between Madison County Board of Commissioners and Job Source is not yet ready to be submitted to the Board for approval and expects the same to be before the Commissioners at their next scheduled meeting..
Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, presents Ordinance No. 2023-BC-O-19, an Ordinance of the Madison County Board of Commissioners Establishing a Department of Parks and Recreation for second reading.  Meeting was opened for public comment – none made..
Stephenie Mellinger, Health Department Director, requests approval of purchase of seven (7) vehicles, namely: two (2) trucks and five (5) SUVs. Motion: to approve purchase of seven (7) vehicles, namely: two (2) trucks and five (5) SUVs, by Health D..
Larry Strange, Planning Director, requests approval of professional services contract with HWC Engineering.  Meeting opened for public comment – none made. Motion: to approve HWC Engineering Agreement to Provide Services as presented. Moved: Olivia..
Motion: to adjournMoved: Vice President Likens Seconded:  Olivia PrattMotion Passed. Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be November 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
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