Start Position | |
Approval of Minutes:Motion: to accept the regular meeting minutes from April 19 and the continued minutes from April 26 as writtenMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Approval of Claims: Motion: to approve claim numbers 201553 – 201692, all Auditor’s Discretionary expenses, and all PayrollMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously Discussion occurs about the Town of Pendleton requesting taxes be removed from some parcels. | |
Motion: to table Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passedunanimously | |
President Richwine opens for a public hearing for the Cum Bridge Fund. No Comment. Motion: to close the public hearingMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2022-BC-R-07, a Resolution Establishing Cumulative Bridge Fund and a tax rate for 2023 at the rate of 0.0450Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, asks for approval to advertise bids for paving. | |
Motion: to approve Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: for amendment 1 on bridge 601 contract with Clark Dietzen in the amount not to exceed $14,340.Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: for approval for task order 1 for bridge 601Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to approve for task order 2 in the amount of $5,800.00 with BLN Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Rose Scovel updates the Board on the Central Indiana Economic Development Strategy. | |
Motion: to nominate Kelly to be on the CommitteeMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to adjournMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be May 17, 2022 at 10AM |
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Name | Document type | |
Res. 2022-BC-R-07 (Cumulative Bridge Rate) | General Document |