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Approval of Minutes:Motion: to accept minutes as presented for the March 14 meetingMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Approval of Claims: Motion: to accept all Payroll claims, all Discretionary, and claim numbers 200157 – 200387, except voided check 200258Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Executive Director Community Corrections David Kane requests approval of the 2023 grant cycle application for the Community Corrections grant. Motion: to accept the grant support letters  Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept Resolution 2022-BC-R-03 (a resolution to transfer Commissioners certificates to the City of Anderson) in title only requesting that the City do the paperworkMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept Resolution 2022-BC-R-04 (a resolution defining 2023 to be Madison County’s Bicentennial Year) in title only Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to appoint Tim Lanane as General Chairman Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Olivia Pratt, Madison County Clerk, presents two items to be ratified, a purchase for cables and a contract with Midwest Presort to mail out voting locations to registered voters. Motion: to accept the bill from Midwest Presort for the notification of voting sitesMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Madison County Engineer, Jessica Bastin, presents a contract from BLN. Motion: to accept contract for engineering services with BLNMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President Richwine Motion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept the lowest quote on the roller from Southeastern Equipment in the amount of $61,590Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Acting Properties Manager, Andy Kidder, presents a PPS contract and a contract for American Elevator.Motion: to accept the PPS agreementMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept the bid from American Elevator Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to table the Best Way service contract until the next meetingMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept the Chem-Aqua water treatment agreementMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Tom Ecker discusses Madison County owned property.Motion: to offer 3 properties for saleMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to adjournMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be April 19, 2022 at 10AM
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Name Document type
Res. 2022-BC-R-4 (Bicentennial Year 2023) General Document
Res. 2022-BC-R-3 (Comm. Cert. to Anderson) General Document
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