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Approval of Minutes for July 12, 2022 Motion:to approveMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously | |
Approval of August 9, 2021 agenda President Gale modifies agenda by moving Senator Lanane with Bicentennial Committee from Communications to New Money Request for Miscellaneous Funds. Motion:to approve with modificationMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Fred ReeseMotion Passed, unanimouslyComments by Council President thanking Council for their service in budget meetings. | |
Update from Dr. Troy Abbott, Coroner, as to number of cases so far in 2022, current balance of budget in 310 account. Chief Deputy Coroner, Katherine Callahan, talked about anticipated increases in expenses and need for new morgue. Chief Deputy Coroner reports she obtained grant for $1,999.00 to be used for supplies. She will be revisiting to see if additional grant money is available. Coroner’s office is working on mass fatality guide. | |
Larry Davis, Assessor, requests approval for out of state travel for 3 members of his staff to attend legal seminar in Austin, Texas. Motion:to approve the out of state travel for 3 members of Assessor’s staffMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously | |
Transfer requests. Motion:to approve all transfer requests presented in massMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Robert Steele Motion Passed | |
Larry Davis, Assessor, requests new money in the Sales Disclosure Fund – 1131. Motion:to approve new money request of $5,000.00 requested. Moved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously ASSESSOR – LARRY DAVIS NEW MONEY SALES DISCLOSURE FUND - 1131 39000 Other Svcs. & Chgs. $5,000.00 | |
Rick Gardner, Auditor, on behalf of Surveyor, requests new money in the Cornerstone Perpetuation Fund – 1202. Motion:to approve new money request of $15,000.00 requested. Moved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously SURVEYOR – TOM SHEPHERD NEW MONEY CORNERSTONE PERPETUATION FUND – 1202 22000 Operating Supp. $15,000.00 | |
Andrew Hanna, Chief Deputy Prosecutor, requests new money in the Adult Protective Service Fund – 9100. Motion:to approve new money requested. Moved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously PROSECUTOR – RODNEY CUMMINGS NEW MONEY ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICE FUND – 9100 11002 Director $54,417.00 11705 Secretary $40,000.00 11706 Investigator $43,672.00 11723 Investigator $43,672.00 15000 Part Time $44,823.00 16161 FICA $17,334.00 16162 PERF $14,264.00 16163 Group Insurance $2,016.00 21000 Office Supplies $2,125.92 22000 Operating Supp. $8,000.00 23000 Repair & Maint. Supp. $1,000.00 32000 Comm. & Tran. $3,500.00 37000 Rentals $23,818.00 39000 Other Svcs. & Chgs. $5,386.00 39007 Training $800.00 44000 Mach. & Equip. $2,200.00 TOTAL APS. FUND: $307,027.92 | |
Scott Mellinger, Sheriff, appears via video conference requests new money in the General Fund (Jail) – 1000. Requests for new money in Jail Fund – 0380: line item 18242, Jail Medical Services; and line item 35000, Utilities, are withdrawn. Requests for new money in Jail Fund – 0380 made: line item, 37000, Rentals and Housing, in sum of $50,000.00 is made, which is anticipated to last through early October, 2022; line item 39240, Food, is withdrawn, but anticipates needing additional $15,000.00 to $30,000.00 in this fund to get through year; line item 39241, Medicine, requesting $25,000.00 now, but anticipates will need additional $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 to get through year. Motion:to approve new money of $50,000.00 in Jail Fund – 0380, line item 37000, Rentals and Housing and $25,000.00 in line item 39241, Medicine. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Diana Likens Motion Passed, unanimously SHERIFF – SHERIFF MELLINGER NEW MONEY GENERAL FUND – 1000 Jail – 0380 37000 Rentals $50,000.00 39241 Medicine $25,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $75,000.00 Scott Mellinger, Sheriff, requests new money in the General Fund (Sheriff) – 0005, requests for line item 22000, Operating Supplies, which pays for fuel for vehicles, requesting $30,000.00 to get through middle September, or early October, might need additional $50,000.00 to $70,000.00 to get through end of year, depending on fuel prices; line item 32000, Comm. & Trans., $5,000.00 to get through at least September; line item 36000, Repairs and Maintenance, $15,000 to get through October; and line item 39000, Other Services and Charges, $8,000.00 to get through middle of October. Motion:to approve new money in Sheriff Fund – 0005 in amount of: $30,000.00 to line item 22000, Operating Supplies; $5,000.00 to line item 32000, Comm. & Trans.; $15,000.00 to line item 36000, Repairs and Maintenance; and $8,000.00 in line item 3900, Other Services and Charges. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously SHERIFF – SHERIFF MELLINGER NEW MONEY GENERAL FUND – 1000 Sheriff – 0005 22000 Operating Supp. $30,000.00 32000 Comm. & Trans. $5,000.00 36000 Repairs & Maint. $15,000.00 39000 Other Svcs. & Chgs. $8,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $75,000.00 | |
Senator Tim Lanane, Bicentennial Committee, requests new money pursuant to Resolution 2022-R-8A. Motion:to approve Resolution 2022-R-8A as presented. Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously | |
Motion:to adjournMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Robert Steele Motion Passed, unanimouslyRegular Council Meeting is scheduled for September 13,2022 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse. The Public Meeting for Budget Hearings will also be on September 13, 2022. |
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Name | Document type | |
Resolution 2022-8A | Minutes Document |