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Approval of Minutes for January 11, 2022 Motion:to approveMoved: Rob SteeleSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Approval of February 8, 2021 agenda Motion:to approve Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed, unanimously
President Gale comments on past practices regarding salary ordinances and increasing pay for employees.
Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner gives an update on the main fund balances.
Motion:to approve the transfer requests that don’t include pay raisesMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Jerry Alexander Motion PassedCouncilman Reese votes no.
Motion:to accept no raises until budget time unless it is an emergencyMoved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Fred Reese Motion FailedRoll Call Vote: Yes – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn.  No – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.
Motion:to accept the transfer as requestedMoved: Rob SteeleSeconded: Jerry Alexander Motion Passed Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale.  No – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn.
Motion:to approve the requestMoved: Mikeal VaughnSeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve the request Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve the request Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve as amendedMoved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion PassedRoll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, President Gale.  No – Councilman Reese, Councilman Vaughn. Councilman Emery abstained.
Motion:to approve Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion PassedRoll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale. Councilman Reese and Councilman Vaughn abstained.
Motion:to amend Ordinance 2022-2C: An Ordinance Modifying 2022 Salaries in the General Fund to cover the Clerk’s Chief Deputy – 11200, Head Bookkeeper – 11402, & Election Director – 11002, excluding the other line items requested.Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve Ordinance 2022-2C as amendedMoved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale. No -  Councilman Vaughn Councilman Reese abstained.
Motion:to approve Ordinance 2022-2D Moved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimouslyRoll Call Vote: Yes – Councilman Reese, Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, Councilman Vaughn, President Gale.
Motion:to approve Ordinance 2022-2F Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale. Councilman Reese & Councilman Vaughn abstained.
Motion:to approve Ordinance 2022-2G Moved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed Roll Call Vote: Yes – Councilwoman Likens, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, President Gale. Councilman Reese & Councilman Vaughn abstained.
Councilman Emery gives a Personnel Committee report.  Motion:to approve the transfer request of $55,000 from 1169.44000 to 1169.11624 for highway dept as presented so they can open the job and start the hiring process Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve the transfer to reimburse Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Jerry Alexander gives a Planning Board meeting report.
Motion:to adjournMoved: Mikael VaughnSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed, unanimouslyRegular Council Meeting is scheduled for March 8,2022 at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.
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Salary Ordinance 2022-2G General Document
Salary Ordinance 2022-2F General Document
Salary Ordinance 2022-2E General Document
Salary Ordinance 2022-2D General Document
Salary Ordinance 2022-2C General Document
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