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Minutes: January 19th, 2021 Motion: to accept the January 19th, 2021 meeting minutes Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: John Richwine Motion Passed, unanimously
Claims: February 17, 2021 Motion: to approve claims 187615-188604, Auditor Discretionary, and payroll claims Moved: Kelly Gaskill Motion dies for lack of a second Motion: to approve claims as presented with the exception of 187752,187936,187937 Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Ayes: Darlene Likens, John Richwine Nays: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed
Appointments: Alexandria Monroe Public Library Board Motion: to appoint John Dockery Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed, unanimously
Old Business: Needle Syringe Public hearing has been rescheduled until March 2, 2021.
Jessica Bastin, County Engineer, approaches the Board of Commissioners to ask them to delay the bid opening for Bridge 88. She would like to move it from March 16th to the week of March 22nd. Motion: to receive bids for Bridge 88 on 3/22 and to award them same day Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed, unanimously
New Business: John Dockery approaches the Board of Commissioners about doing a new website for the county. On the contract he put a cap that it would not go over $3,500. Motion: to accept the contract with John and his company Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed, unanimously
Public Hearing on the Institution of Recycling Fees Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents an ordinance with the new rate changes.  Public Comment: Ken de la Bastide from the Herald Bulletin asks when the Recycling Center will be open. Taylor informs him that it is open now. Motion: to adopt Ordinance 2021-BC-O-02 by title only Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Kelly Gaskill Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: Yes Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion: to continue surplus request until next meeting Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed, unanimously   Dan Dykes, County Administrator, presents a contract for the Maintenance Department from WW Williams for generators. Motion: to accept the contract with WW Williams for maintenance on the generators and that notice be given if necessary, to any previous contractor that we are moving in a new direction Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed, unanimously
Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents a resolution on change of council. The resolution deals with the redistricting ordinance. All the resolution does is asks for the previous attorney to withdraw from the case until a new attorney without a conflict of interest can be appointed. The resolution does not name a new attorney. Motion: to adopt Resolution 2021-BC-R-03 Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: No Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Motion Passed
Stacey Hinton, Planning Department, approaches the Board of Commissioners with a contract for a new copier. Motion: to accept the Ricoh contract with letting Mr. Graham review the contract first Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: John Richwine Motion Passed, unanimously
Olivia Pratt, County Clerk, approaches the Commissioners with a resolution for the county to become a vote center county. Motion: to accept Resolution 2021-BC-R-04 Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: John Richwine Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: Yes Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Motion Passed, unanimously
Memorandum of Understanding between Madison County and Hamilton County Motion: to accept the Memorandum of Understanding between Madison County and Hamilton County Public Safety Communication Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: John Richwine Motion Passed, unanimously
President Richwine states that there is a problem with the fuel bid, and they need to work to resolve it. Motion: to entertain that Commissioner Richwine work with the Highway Department and vendors to get this taken care of      Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed, unanimously
County Attorney Jeff Graham presents a joint resolution with the Madison County Council for the Cares Act. Motion: to accept the joint resolution, Resolution 2021-1 with the Madison County Council Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: John Richwine Motion Passed, unanimously   Motion: to adjourn Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: John Richwine Motion Passed, unanimously
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