Start Position | |
Approval of Minutes:October 5, 2021 Regular MeetingMotion: to table Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Approval of Claims:Motion: to accept claims number 195326 – 195472 with the exception of 195405, all Payroll, and Discretionary claimsMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to table the requests for ARP Funds from Prosecutor, Recorder, and Central Records.Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously | |
County Attorney Jeff Graham talks about the redistricting resolution. | |
Motion: to accept Resolution 2021-BC-R-11 by title onlyMoved: Darlene Likens No SecondMotion Fails for lack of Second | |
Motion: to approve the contract with BLNMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to approve the USI task order contract in the sum of $7,500.00, not to exceedMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to accept the bids received for paving and open them at the November 2, 2021 Commissioner’s meetingMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to authorize the County Engineer to coordinate the paving bids for next year Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to accept the contract with Johnson Controls for security system contract as presentedMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to accept the credit card for the Highway Dept with a limitMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to accept Ordinance 2021-BC-O-14Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously | |
Madison County Recorder Linda Smith speaks on the request for ARP Funds. | |
Motion: to approve the Holiday schedule for 2022Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously | |
Motion: to adjournMoved: Darlene Likens Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be November 2, 2021 at 10AM |
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