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Approval of Minutes:August 3, 2021 Regular MeetingMotion: to approve Moved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Approval of Claims:Motion: to accept claims number 193075 – 193212, all Payroll and Discretionary claimsMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to approve Job Source ClaimsMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion PassedRoll Call Vote: Yes –Darlene Likens, President Richwine. No – Kelly Gaskill
Motion: to approve the Attorney Engagement Letter for redistrictingMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to approve the Memorandum Executive SessionMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept Jeff’s recommendation and allow him to sign off on the Judgment for the Eminent Domain Moved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Gabriel Velazquez requests to purchase County owned property adjacent to his property. Motion: to start the process of selling this property to GabrielMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Brent Jensen, Dispatch Center, requests for an amendment to the Tyler Technologies Software Agreement.Motion: to approveMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Jessica Bastin, Engineering, presents a proposal from Heartland Environmental Associates and a proposal for bridge inspections.Motion: to acceptMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to award bridge inspections to BLNMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Brad Newman, Planning, submits a proposed major subdivision plat.Motion: to accept Planning Commission’s recommendationMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Darlene LikensMotion Passed unanimously
Joseph McDonough, American Legal Publishing Corporation, speaks to the Commissioners regarding codifying the County ordinance.Motion: to request money for the contract from County CouncilMoved: Kelly Gaskill Seconded: President RichwineMotion Passed unanimously
Motion: to accept the proposal from American Legal on codification contingent on a funding mechanism in place to pay for the contractMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously
Lisa Cannon, IT, speaks to the Commissioners regarding phishing emails.
Motion: to adjournMoved: President Richwine Seconded: Kelly GaskillMotion Passed unanimously Next Regular Commissioner’s Meeting will be September 7, 2021 at 10AM
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