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Appointments: Motion: to the Board of Zoning Appeals Lisa Hobbs replacing Denise Spooner, to the Planning Commission reappointment of David Cane and Wesley Likens, from the Board of Commissioners for the Planning Commission myself, John Richwine, to the East Central Solid Waste District John Richwine and Darlene Likens, to retain on the Board of Property Tax Appeals Ken Kocinski, to serve from the Board of Commissioners on the Council of Governments Darlene Likens, and for the Region 5 Workforce Development Darlene Likens. IT Director: Lisa Cannon Maintenance Supervisor: Joe Humphries HR Director: Beatrice Ramey Highway Department: Scott Harless EMA Director: Tom Ecker 911 Director: Brent Jensen County Engineer to start on or before January 19th: Jessica Bastin Moved: John Richwine Motion: to nominate Denise Spooner to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Commission citizen member Mark Gary and Lee Walls Moved: Kelly Gaskill Those in favor of Lisa Hobbs to the Board of Zoning Appeals Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: No Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Lisa Hobbs will be the appointment to the Board of Zoning Appeals Those in favor of David Cane for the Citizen Member of the Plan Commission Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: No Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes David Cane will be reinstated to the Plan Commission Those in favor of Wes Likens for the Citizen Member of the Plan Commission Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: No Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Wes Likens is reappointed to the Plan Commission Roll Call Vote on the remainder of the appointments: Commissioner Gaskill: Yes Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes | |
New Business: Contract with the attorney, Graham, Hopper, Farrer & Wilson. Flat monthly fee will be used for everyone except the County Council. On non-routine matters it would be a fee of $250 an hour. Motion: to accept contract with Graham, Hopper, Farrer & Wilson Moved: Darlene Likens Seconded: John Richwine Abstained: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed | |
County Attorney, Jeff Graham, presents Resolution 2021-BC-R-01 to repeal Resolution 2020-BC-R-15. Motion: to approve now by title only 2021-BC-R-01 with his edit of changing wording from 911 Director to EMA Director Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Discussion: Commissioner Gaskill says that hazard pay should be given. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gaskill: No Commissioner Likens: Yes President Richwine: Yes Motion Passed | |
County Attorney, Jeff Graham, presents Ordinance 2021-BC-O-01 to repeal Ordinance 2020-BC-O-09. Motion: to introduce Ordinance 2021-BC-O-01 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 2021-BC-O-01 by title only Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Discussion: Commissioner Gaskill states that this ordinance was based on ethics. She says that this stuff needs to stop. Ayes: Darlene Likens, John Richwine Nays: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed | |
Jeff Graham, County Attorney, presents two contracts for Local Road & Streets. It is a 50% match. Motion: to pass the road and bridge contracts number 84 & 85 Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Darlene Likens Motion Passed, unanimously | |
Scott Harless, County Highway, presents an idea for comp time for his employees. He says that the current limit for comp time is 40hrs. He would like to bump up to 80hrs for the winter through July to help with Covid. Motion: to have Mr. Graham address this by creating a resolution that would allow the highway department to accrue up to 80hrs of comp time from the time the resolution is passed up until July when it will be reevaluated Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed, unanimously Motion: to adjourn Moved: John Richwine Seconded: Kelly Gaskill Motion Passed, unanimously Next Regular Meeting Tuesday January 19th, 2021, at 10am |
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