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County Council Meeting Minutes April 13, 2021 Meeting Called to Order by President Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Councilman Steele, Councilman Emery, Councilman Alexander, Councilman Vaughn, Councilman Reese, President Gale.Absent: Councilman SumnerAlso Present: Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner and County Council Attorney Ted Nolting
Approval of Minutes for March 9, 2021 Motion:to approveMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimouslyAuditor’s Report
Madison County Auditor Rick Gardner updates the Council on the projected year-end General Fund cash balance. He states the projected balance is at $9.8 million. He also speaks on the loss of revenue from 2019 to 2020 that are General Fund related. New Business
President Gale reads Resolution 2021-4A: Resolution Designating Preliminary Economic Revitalization Area for Dealership Properties, LLC outside of Elwood. After the reading of the Resolution, President Gale opens the meeting for public comments and/or questions. Motion:to close the public meeting for comments and questionsMoved: Jerry AlexanderSeconded: Anthony EmeryMotion: to approve the ResolutionMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed, unanimously
President Gale reads Resolution 2021-4B: Food and Beverage Money – Markleville Revision.  Motion:to approve Resolution 2021-4B: Food and Beverage Money – Markleville Revision as presentedMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve all transfers as listed Moved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Anthony Emery Motion Passed, unanimously
Taylor Vanskyock, Recycling Center, requests new money in the Cum Recycling Center Fund – 4936.Motion:to accept the new money requestMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Nichelle Serf, Probation, requests new money in the Title II – JJDP Grant Fund – 8200. Motion:to accept as presented Moved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Madison County Rick Gardner, on behalf of the Health Department, requests new money in the COVID – Safety Compliance Fund – 8905.Motion:to approve the requestMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Rob Steele Motion Passed, unanimously
Madison County Rick Gardner, on behalf of the Health Department, Highway Department, Youth Center, and Central Dispatch, requests new money in the IPEP Fund – 9162 Motion:to approve the requestMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Tom Ecker requests new money in the Cares Grant (IFA) COVID – 19 Fund – 8903.Motion:to table the requests for 30 daysMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimously
Madison County Prosecutor Rodney Cummings requests new money in the Cares Grant (IFA) COVID – 19 Fund – 8903 and new money in the General Fund – 1000.Motion:to approve the request for the General FundMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Jerry Alexander Motion Passed, unanimously
Motion:to approve the Cares Grant (IFA) COVID – 19 Fund 8903 requestMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal VaughnMotion Passed, unanimously
Major Joey Cole, Madison County Sheriff’s Department, requests new money in the Cares Grant (IFA) COVID – 19 Fund 8903 and new money in the General Fund – 1000.  President Gale asks Major Cole to revisit the new money request for the Cares Grant (IFA) COVID – 19 Fund 8903 in 30 days. Major Cole requests new money in the General Fund for housing inmates.Motion:to accept the request for the General FundMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Doug Taylor, Probation, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000. Motion:to accept the request for the General FundMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Joe Humphries, Courthouse, requests new money in the General Fund – 1000.Motion:to accept the request for the General FundMoved: Fred ReeseSeconded: Mikeal Vaughn Motion Passed, unanimously
Madison County Coroner Dr. Troy Abbott speaks on increased deaths for 2021. He states the Coroner needs to have a free-standing morgue, and the cost to have one would be approximately $1 million. He asks for 2 Council members to visit their current facility.  Councilman Vaughn and Councilman Alexander volunteer to visit.
Anthony Emery mentions there will be a Personnel Committee later in the month and needs to get with the other 2 members of the Committee to get a date scheduled. He also states the Hazard Pay Committee has been postponed until the following month. Jerry Alexander speaks on the Zoning Commission.
Motion:to adjournMoved: Anthony EmerySeconded: Fred Reese Motion Passed, unanimouslyRegular Council Meeting is scheduled for May 11th at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Courthouse.
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Resolution 2021-4A (ERA) General Document
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